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Showing posts from May, 2014

Butter Milk Biscuits

You've got mail!   So I got an email from “JR” asking for a biscuit recipe. I figured I’d start with a pretty basic one…the buttermilk biscuit. There are about 3 or 4 different way’s I make my biscuits, and this is one of them. With all versions, I keep the same basic principles but I may use a different kind of fat and liquid each time. Anyway, here’s one version fo you. Biscuits can have many different textures, densities, flavors, etc. That’s why I have several recipes, just in case your’e wondering “Why would anyone need more than one biscuit recipe?” lol. This is a recipe for tender, fluffy biscuits that don’t feel like rocks in your stomach. Contrary to what you may believe, making biscuits is an incredibly easy task. The main things you need to know are: Keep all fats and liquids as cold as possible. Be gentle and loving with your dough. If you keep those two tips handy, you’ll have a successful biscuit-making life. There is a science to baking, things get mixed ...